Child laughing

New Year’s Resolutions to keep your Family’s Teeth Healthy

Dec 26, 2019

What does ringing in the new year have to do with being mouth healthy? The new year is the perfect time to design resolutions for establishing healthy habits. Whether it’s improving tooth brushing habits, or completing dental treatment, the benefits of setting goals like this can be rewarding and motivating. And the best way to achieve these goals is to take small steps and stay consistent. We’ve outlined 3 healthy habits to make in 2020.

Start brushing 2 minutes x 2 times a day – and floss too!

Always brush twice a day for two minutes for healthier teeth, great breath, fewer cavities, and to avoid painful dental problems. Implement this goal family-wide by announcing it to your children. Need tips on how to make tooth brushing fun? Here we talk about how to jazz up your child’s oral hygiene routine. Make sure you also floss once a day to remove unwanted goodies that may have accumulated throughout the day. Replace toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months as recommended by the American Dental Association.

Eat healthy meals and chew sugarless gum

By serving healthy foods to your family, you are also keeping their teeth healthy. Sugary, starchy, and processed food can really do some damage to your child’s teeth. Here we’ve outlined some smile-friendly foods to keep your child’s smile healthy. Avoid these foods as much as you can: 

  • sugary drinks such as juices, sports drinks, and sodas
  • candy (especially chewy candy)
  • chips, breads and pastas 

Visit your dentist

Regular dental visits will help you and your family be mouth healthy for life. If it’s been more than 6 months since you or your child has had a cleaning, you’re due. Get rid of unsightly plaque that builds up around lower front teeth. This plaque can cause gum disease and make your breath unappealing. Schedule an appointment for your child today and get their cleaning on the calendar for 2020!

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