Changing the way children see oral care

How One Simple Move Can Change the Way Your Children See Oral Care

Feb 20, 2020

It may be easier to take your child to your own dentist out of convenience. Make an appointment for everyone in the family and get it over with, right? Wrong. This one simple move can really change the way your children see oral care. What’s that move? Take them to a pediatric dentist!​

Some kids, as well as some adults, suffer from dental anxiety. Children can become very nervous about going to the dentist, which can make it more difficult to examine and treat them. This anxiety can be passed to their general oral care at home too. Why would it be fun to brush their teeth when the dentist is so scary? Still not convinced a pediatric dentist is the right choice? Let’s dive in!

Specialization in Children’s Teeth 

Pediatric dentists have been specially trained to treat children’s developing teeth. They have expertise in the unique problems that children face, such as cavities and gum problems. They also understand the complexities of how children’s teeth and bone structure grow over time and can keep an eye out for potential problems. Most importantly, pediatric dentists have vast experience taking care of frightened children and can help your child feel at ease and comfortable at the dentist.

Smaller Child-Friendly Equipment

It’s nice that pediatric dental offices use smaller equipment specifically designed for a child’s mouth. Often times pediatric dentists can help ease your child by introducing each piece of equipment one at a time. This can help children get used to the often “scary-looking” equipment by not overwhelming them.

Kid-Friendly Office Design

Specialized children’s dental practices, like ours, are decked out in brightly-colored decor, and video games in the waiting room, to help your child feel more relaxed. Many practices also play children’s cartoons to distract your child during the exam. Pediatric dentists hand out stickers or toys at the end of the appointment to help build up your child’s comfort level. Lastly, when your child sees other children having a positive experience, they can use this as a model to follow.

Focus On Preventative Care

Pediatric dentists also focus on the prevention of dental problems to ensure a lifetime of excellent dental health. Pediatric practitioners can give you advice and teach your child about developing healthy habits like brushing twice a day and flossing. A pediatric dentist will also have the latest information on preventative treatments (such as topical fluoride treatments). They may also be involved, like us, in celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month, by educating parents and local schools about dental health. 

Want To Learn More?

We’ve gone into even more detail in our blog post Understanding The Difference Between A Pediatric Dentist And A Family Dentist. As always, feel free to contact us to discuss your child’s oral health.

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